LinkedIn for B2B

LinkedIn for B2B

Most business people today have a LinkedIn profile, and many utilise it to promote their skills and experience with their next job in mind. Far fewer use it to effectively promote and grow their own business, or the SME they work for, which is a missed opportunity with so many decision makers using this social network on a daily basis.

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Market Segmentation to Maximise Impact

Market Segmentation to Maximise Impact

The identification and selection of market segments is one of the most important strategic decisions facing industrial, technology and service based B2B companies. The choice of market segment(s) to pursue is the key starting point for developing overall strategies and business plans but I believe it is often not done well.

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Increasing Brand Awareness in Facilities Management

Increasing Brand Awareness in Facilities Management

The Facilities Management sector has grown significantly over the past 20 years, but brand awareness amongst the public is limited. Many people are not aware of what the companies do, and the value that they bring to day-to-day life. There are probably a number of reasons for this and I have focussed on two that I consider to be key below.

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Communicating Innovation to your Clients

Communicating Innovation to your Clients

Many B2B technology companies, be they science, engineering or IT, are great at coming up with new innovations. Many of them are also very good at explaining what the innovation is, its features and how brilliant it is compared to the alternatives available. Surprisingly, only a few do a great job of explaining the benefits of what they have to offer to their clients, and their customers, in a compelling way.

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